Company Profile

As of April 2024
Representative Hajime Takahashi, President and CEO
URL http://www.d-cast.jp
Established 1-Apr-2002
Employees 407 people
Head Office 10 Ryugu-cho, Minato-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture
Manufacturing Facilities, Branches and Subsidiaries Nagoya Business Unit, Nakatsugawa Business Unit, Tokyo Sales Office, Nagoya Sales Office, Fukuoka Sales Office
Capital2,215 million yen
Net Sales15,522 million yen
  • Our company is a cast steel product manufacturer that was spun off as an independent company in 2002 from Daido Steel, a global specialty steel manufacturer. We produce a wide variety of cast steel products, ranging from grams to kilos and tons, such as turbine wheels for turbochargers, manganese crossings for railways, and cast steel rolls for steel manufacturing.

Products and Services

The Cast Manganese Steel Crossing

 High manganese steel has both characteristics of hardening of the surface layer and keeping the inner part tough. These characteristics are taken advantage of to make the product wear resistant, impact resistant, and crack resistant. Our company has customers such as Japan Railway, private railway, turnout manufactures and many other customers in Japan. Above all, our products have a 100% market share for Shinkansen crossings and are highly regarded for their reliability. By using a connection method that eliminates the space with normal rail, allows it to control noise and vibration and allows people to ride the train comfortably. We are trying to improve on life span of our crossing and accelerating the trains. 


Daido Castings Co.,Ltd.

Kazuhisa Sebata / Sales Manager
Cast Steel Products Sales Dept.
Sales Division
10, Ryugu-cho, Minato-ku, Nagoya, 455-0022, Japan
TEL. +81-52-691-5192
FAX. +81-52-691-5241
