Exhibit at InnoTrans 2012 (18 - 21 September 2012)
InnoTrans 2012 will be held at the Messe Berlin exhibition center in Germany from 18 to 21 September 2012. JORSA will be there, transforming all of Hall 7.2C into a Japan Pavilion for the event. Joint exhibitors from Japan will be the Railway Technical Research Institute, the Japanese government-related Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), and 15 JORSA member manufacturers and trading companies.
A wide range of information on Japan’s railway technology will be available for visitors, and part of the hall will introduce Japan and its culture.
Many representatives, experts in their own field, will be on hand to share information and exchange views on railway technologies.
The upcoming InnoTrans promises to be a significant event, and we look forward to meeting you in Hall 7.2C.
InnoTrans Hall 7.2C